Working in the view mode
The behaviour of the program is completely determined by view mode
settings. Some parameters you can also override in the current viewing session. Eg, you can switch between window
and fullscreen mode by pressing the F key or with clicking by middle mouse button. In window mode settings
specify whether picture is scaled (zoomed in) in case it is smaller than the window, or is it shrinked when it is
larger than the window; whether viewing windows is alaways on top of other windows; for both modes you can specify
window background color.
Moreover, PhoA is able to display picture information when viewing it (else what is it for?).
You can zoom the picture being viewed in and out with mouse wheel (keeping Ctrl depressed) or
with +, -, *, / keys on the numeric keypad. If picture is larger than the viewing window
it can be scrolled by dragging it with mouse or with arrow keys (also in conjunction with Ctrl and Shift
keys). To learn more on using keyboard and mouse in the view mode refer to this
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